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As a low content publisher, you have probably envied the product pages of notebooks that weren’t published through KDP that you’ve stumbled upon during your research.

The product pages of notebooks that aren’t published through KDP are usually more engaging to potential buyers since they have fancy listings with tons of images showcasing the interior/content of their books. The likelihood for a sale goes up as well since people are interested in what’s being offered – this makes low content publishers enviable indeed!

Well, today you’re in luck! You can now have your product pages published through KDP and they’ll be just like the ones with tons of images that make potential buyers more engaged. It’s guaranteed to increase your conversion rates – who doesn’t want free (and awesome) marketing?!

KDP A+ Content – What is it?

What we just explained above can be achieved with a feature called A+ Content that KDP has. A+ Content is the best way to give readers more information as they consider buying your books. By adding A+ Content, you can make your books stand out from other competing titles on Amazon.

Here are some main reasons why you should implement A+ Content to your KDP products:

  • Building Trust – Presenting the extra material inside your product page shows that you’re ready to go the extra mile and shows the potential buyers of your product that you are a reliable seller.
  • Creating a great buying experience – A+ Content provides shoppers with clear information, customers are more likely to buy and positively review. Shoppers can confidently make their purchase decision knowing the product inside and out before even purchasing it.
  • Increasing Conversion Rate – Amazon can be a highly competitive marketplace. Standing out and making the best first impression will help you to get more sales, which means that A+ Content is key when competing with other sellers in this market.
  • Increasing Sales – The Amazon A+ Content gives potential buyers the most important details about your product in an easy-to-read and visually appealing way. You can include more text and tell your brand’s story to attract customers who want information on what they will be buying before making their purchase decision and also showcase your product with attractive images.
  • Staying ahead of the competition – The Amazon marketplace is a crowded space for sellers. Currently, there are more than 2 million products available on this platform and competition remains high if you want your product or service to stand out from the rest of them. This means we need all the help we can get with branding. With A+ Content it’s possible: now buyers will know exactly what they’re signing up for before making their purchase decisions; sellers will be able to show off some key features/benefits that set them apart and make customers feel confident.

How to create KDP A+ Content

You can create A+ Content from the KDP Marketing page. Scroll down to the part where it says A+ Content, select the marketplace from the dropdown menu (usually US) and then click on Manage A+ Content.

From there, you’ll go to the A+ Content Manager where you need to click on the green button located at the top right where it says Start creating A+ content.

When you create A+ Content, you can choose between 17 modules to design and create a layout.

After you’ve added modules to your layout, you can re-order and remove modules, add images, and add text.


Once you’re happy with how your A+ Content layout looks, you can go ahead and apply it to the product ASINs you want it to appear on.

Depending on which direction you want to go with A+ Content, you have two options:

  1. Create A+ Content about your brand – author/pen name – (Apply to all the ASINs under that pen name)
  2. Create A+ Content about the product – (Apply to a single ASIN of a certain product)

A+ Content – Details On The Publisher

A+ Content is mostly used to showcase an author and their book portfolio, where they showcase their latest publication and other popular books they have. In our case, it can be greatly utilized for brands selling activity books and coloring books. Here’s an example of a coloring book brand showcasing a seasonal book and their other publications:

A+ Content – Details About The Product

This is the way to go if your low content book has multiple different interior pages and you want to showcase its content and how it can be used. Here’s a great example of A+ Content used on a low content book:

Notice how on the right side they tell you exactly how to use the planner, and what a customer can expect from the product? Not only does this help with sales and click through rate, but it also sets customer expectations up front.

What To Avoid When Setting Up KDP A+ Content

When it comes to adding this information to your listings, you need to make sure you are following Amazon’s guidelines.

Not doing so could cause a rejection in their system or they could potentially remove your ASIN (yet we have not seen this happen yet). To review the entire guidelines, make sure to check out this link from Amazon.

Top Content Issues

If you want to make sure that your book does not get a rejection for adding this type of content to your product pages, here are some of the things you need to be aware of:

  • Pricing/Promo – Amazon does not want you to include any promotion or pricing details in this section. Doing so will get your A+ Content denied. The reason for this is that Amazon will often play around with the pricing themselves during certain sales seasons and adding this to your A+ Content would confuse customers.
  • No Customer Reviews – We all love customers who review our products on Amazon, but you should not showcase reviews in the A+ Content section.
  • No more than 4 endorsement quotes, and only from major players – This means you can’t showcase your favorite cousins quote about your book if they are not a well-known public figure or publication.

Image and Text Formatting

When it comes to the formatting and content of your actual A+ Content, here is what you need to know:

  • JPG and PNG files are supported – Make sure that the files are under 2MB in size and you are not using animated images (no gif!).
  • Unique Images Only – You need to make sure that your product stands out. Anything you put into A+ Content needs to be unique and not pulled from the internet somewhere.
  • Punctuation and Spelling – You will want to use consistent punctuation, capitalize each word in headers, and spell out numbers under 10. This not only makes you look good to customers but is a great practice.

Claims and Awards

Amazon has a section in their guidelines that discusses claims and awards. Essentially, for this section, what you need to know is that you should just stick with what the book is, how it can help the customer, and what you provide. Do not make any ridiculous claims about your book, and if you were to reference an award that you have won for your book, you will want to mention when it happened with a date no later than 2 years ago.

Content Restrictions

Amazon does restrict what you can and cannot put into your A+ Content. The most notable are:

  • No Shipping Details – Don’t add words like free shipping, or QR codes to your A+ Content
  • No Competitor Talk – We all know you want to beat out the big competitor in your space, but do not mention them or reference a competing product in your A+ Content
  • No Web Links – Amazon wants their customers to stay on Amazon, so they prohibit you linking to your store outside of Amazon
  • No Hate Speech – This one goes without saying

In the end, Amazon lays out all the restrictions in the link above, but as long as you are talking about the product or brand you have created, what it is, how it looks, and what it can do for the customer, you will be just fine!

Wrapping It Up

That about wraps up this tutorial on how to add additional images to your listings and really make them pop.

This WILL take a bit more work than publishing books at the speed you are used to. That being said, if you are building a brand, and want to stick out on Amazon now, and well into the future, this is something that you will really want to sit down and take a look at.

While everyone else is publishing notebooks on Amazon, you can publish a notebook that will have a higher click through rate, a better experience, and ultimately this should lead to even more reviews.

Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. It may even be the case that Amazon ranks books with A+ Content a little higher than the competition since the customer experience is better.

Good luck out there!

14 Comment

  1. CD

    Do you have any suggestions on adding photos? I have never actually ordered any of my low content books but I would like people to see more images of the product.

    1. Jenny

      I took screenshots of my pdf document for my book journal and saved as png files to get the extra photos for my low content book.

      1. Faiza

        If you add images to A+ content will users be able to see inside of the book?
        Would these images be added to product images or would they have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the inside of these books? ( low-content)

    2. Wanda

      Hi there. I’m Wanda. I love book bolt and I use book bolt trustfully. Everything that I have learned turned out wonderfully, so far. My Question is, how do I upload my book bolt image in pixels for the module to create an a+ content. I don’t understand how to use book bolt images to do so. Thanks to anyone for reaching out to me. Surely I need guidance.

  2. Tania

    Is there any chance of you putting a video up to provide an example and show the process of creating the A+ info?

  3. Jason

    Excellent article, and really helpful guidance. I think this could be an incredible way to showcase our titles and gives us the ability to show customers the quality of the interior and not just the cover.
    Thanks team

  4. Ken Grady

    Thanks so much for this “road map” on using A+ content and creating a product will stand out from the crowd.

  5. Steven

    It doesn’t work for me. Keep getting error message saying it has failed, the content is empty. I’ve tried journals, exersise books, log books, coloring books, and word searches. Not worth the hassle.

  6. Steven

    Why did my comment disappear 10 minutes after it appeared. Is it because I am not allowed to agree with the exitement of the authors. It doesn’t work for me and as an additional note, you can only use ONE author name so if you are one of those people who use multiple names for different products then you are going to be spending a long time unpublishing and republishing under one umbrella name, meaning all your products will end up being mixed up in a big swamp making it confusing for your customers.

  7. Arci

    Awesome – Great info here! When my first KDP title went live I was so excited, and then completely disappointed by the lackluster listing. This just restored my hope that I can join the ranks with the professionals! THANK YOU!

  8. Ann

    Hello. How can I find pictures to add to my journals without the worry of copyright issues? Thanks!

  9. Sarah Hardy

    Thank you so much for the easy explanation! I just submitted some interior mockups for my meal planning notebook!

  10. Kristie

    Does this work for low content books? I’ve created a module for my listing but it’s saying none are found. It’s only got an option for ASIN’s.

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