No matter how well you design low- or no-content books for Amazon KDP, there’s one inconvenient truth that all authors must face. You won’t be able to enjoy much sales and earnings unless your listing attracts traffic. And in order to do that, it must be visible to Amazon shoppers.
Luckily, there’s a quick and easy way to make your products discoverable with Amazon Advertising.
In the following sections, we offer valuable information on this advertising tool and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your overall strategy.
What is Amazon Advertising?
Amazon Advertising is a powerful tool that allows sellers to promote their products on Amazon’s vast online marketplace. With millions of browsing customers every day, advertising on the platform can help you reach your target audience, gain a competitive edge, and ultimately – increase sales.
You can still enjoy success on Amazon KDP without Amazon Advertising by ranking your listings for strategic keywords. Although this process is efficient, it can be extremely time-consuming and expertise-restrained. To avoid these challenges, sellers often prefer to invest in an option that delivers prompt results, albeit at a cost.
There are a variety of advertising options available to Amazon KDP users under two main categories – Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. Each of them has its own unique benefits and can be tailored to meet your specific needs as a seller.
Sponsored Products is the most commonly used advertising format on Amazon. These ads are displayed in search results and on product pages and are designed to promote individual products. So if you’re launching a new coloring book for St. Patrick’s Day, you can boost its visibility and increase traffic via a Sponsored Products campaign.
Sponsored Brands, on the other hand, are ads that promote a seller’s entire product line. These ads feature a custom headline and contain multiple products, making them ideal for low- or no-content book creators looking to increase awareness of their whole lineup.
How to Run Amazon Ads for KDP – Low Content Book Ads in 2023
One of the key benefits of Amazon Advertising is that it empowers you to target your ads to specific audiences. By using Amazon’s data on customer behavior and shopping history, sellers can reach consumers who are most likely to be interested in their products.
Integrating Amazon Advertising in a larger Amazon KDP strategy for growth
So let’s say you’ve decided that you want to take your Amazon KDP business to the next level with Amazon Advertising. When should you start? Are there any rules that you should know about?
When is the best time to start using Amazon Advertising
One of the first questions to arise when you first consider investing in paid ads is when to start. Is it too early if you’ve only created your first listing? Should you wait for a particular season? Or maybe it’s all about the niches you’re targeting?
Here are our recommendations on when to start using Amazon Advertising.
Newbie sellers
In most cases, you can start using Amazon Advertising even if you’re a beginner with just a couple of products under your belt.
However, keep in mind that it’s essential to optimize your listing in advance. Why? Because the worst thing that could happen is to attract users to your product page and lose them because of poor descriptions, unattractive design or inadequate pricing.
Niche-specific ads
Another great time to utilize Amazon Advertising is when you’re selling products in particular niches that are trending at the moment. Upcoming holidays are a great example.
Just imagine how many other sellers will try to grab a piece of the market for St. Valentine’s or St. Patrick’s Day. With such fierce competition, the most reliable way to stand out and achieve higher visibility is via paid ads.
When to pause or stop campaigns
But let’s say you’ve already set up your campaigns. What are some of the signs that indicate you should stop or pause them?
For one, consider seasonality. In the case of Amazon KDP, seasonality is related to niches that are hot during some seasons and freezing cold in others. For instance, beach vacation journals are not likely to sell like crazy in the winter. If you have a campaign for such products active in November, it’s best to pause and focus your ad budget on other listings that are likely to convert better.
Moreover, if you see that the campaign’s ad spend is too high or that conversions are too low, it’d be best to consider a stop. You’ll need to optimize the campaign first, or at the very least pause until you figure out what’s wrong.
Finally, there could be cases where the campaign performs well in terms of traffic, but not so much when it comes to sales. This could be related to poor targeting and inappropriate choice of keywords. If this happens to you, analyze the campaign setup and pinpoint ways to increase its effectiveness.
Ad spending best practices you should know about
It’s absolutely crucial to plan your ad budget appropriately. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to ad budgets, there are a few golden rules to consider.
First, the majority of experienced and successful Amazon sellers spend 10% of their total revenue on Amazon Advertising. This is an ideal way to invest in ads if you’re just getting started or you’d like to maintain stability in your niche. However, as you become more experienced you may be interested in becoming a market leader. In this case, you can increase your ad spend to 15% or 20% of your total revenue.
Furthermore, it’s important to think about the ways you can spend your budget. Remember, there are different types of ads. Most sellers prefer to allocate the majority or their budget to Sponsored Products (up to 80%) and leave around 20% for Sponsored Brands campaigns. This strategy leads to fast product sales, yet still generates interest towards the author profile as a whole.
Ultimately, the way you approach budget allocation will depend on your objectives.
How Amazon Advertising fits into the whole strategy
Amazon Advertising is invaluable for those looking to turn a simple side gig into a reliable source of income.
Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect to receive:
Increased visibility
By growing your visibility, Amazon Advertising improves the chances of product discoverability. This results in increased traffic to listings and ultimately, more sales.
Competitive edge
Stay ahead of your competition by placing products in front of more users. The results? Win more sales and enjoy a larger market share.
Targeted marketing
Amazon’s advertising platform allows you to target specific audiences based on various criteria such as keywords, product categories, and customer demographics. Consequently, you can reach the right customers who are more likely to buy you low- or no-content books on Amazon KDP.
Control over spending
Stay in full control of your spending by setting your own budget and only paying when someone clicks on your ad or makes a purchase. You can optimize your campaigns for maximum return on investment.
Analytics and insights
It’s also worth mentioning that with Amazon Advertising you gain valuable insights into your advertising campaigns. This includes data on ad performance, customer behavior, and sales metrics. Use this information to refine your advertising strategy and improve results over time.
Putting it all together
But does this mean that you can rely solely on Amazon Advertising to grow your Amazon KDP business? Certainly not.
Instead, think of this tool as a complimentary opportunity that fits in perfectly with other components of your strategy. If you start spending on ads and notice results, don’t neglect other vital elements.
For instance, diversifying your portfolio, setting the right prices, creating catchy designs, and niching down will still be fundamental for your performance. Amazon Advertising is simply a way to turn a bullet-proof strategy into a success story by making it more visible to the rest.
Wrapping up
Amazon Advertising can enable you to up your game as an Amazon KDP seller. Don’t forget that using business intelligence tools like Book Bolt will help you make better-informed decisions. Use all of the insights you can get your hands on to your advantage and watch your no- and low-content book designs thrive.
Maya Magno
Are sponsored brands better to get quick sales if you have more then 3 books? Versus sponsored products?