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In the digital age, there’s a humble, yet surprisingly popular tool that stands the test of time – password log books.

These seemingly simple, old-fashioned companions have found an unexpected spotlight on Amazon KDP.

In this article, we unravel the mystery behind the password log book niche as one of Amazon KDP’s timeless favorites.

The size of the password log book niche on Amazon KDP

While the world races towards high-tech solutions, password books have quietly secured their place in the hearts of Amazon consumers.

As a reliable way to store one of the most essential, yet often forgotten pieces of information, these products are considered life savers.

Naturally, this makes them a sought-after category in the low- and no-content book domain.

But to confirm the popularity of password log books, we need real-time market insights.

Using Book Bolt, we dived deep into listing saturation, average BSRs, and search volumes.

Here’s what we found.

Listing saturation

Listing saturation is one of the vital metrics to observe when determining the size of a niche. It reveals how many listings rank for specific keywords on the platform and gives away a lot about the level of competition in the space.

According to Book Bolt, there are a total of 64 bestsellers optimized for “password log book”.

While this number is not significant, it only represents top-performing products. It shows that the level of competition in this domain is not severe, making the market appropriate for new entrants.

Average BSRs

The 64 identified listings from above share an average BSR of 286,569.

This number is much lower than in other segments, revealing the sales potential of password log books.

The lower the BSR, the better the sales performance of items.

Search volume

Next, we examined how popular password log books are among consumers. Using Book Bolt’s Keyword tools, we uncovered the following top-searched terms:

  • password books – 85,970
  • password book alphabetical – 18,245
  • password note books – 17,691
  • password notebooks – 17,446
  • alphabetical password book – 10,327
  • 5×8 password book – 5,800
  • 4×6 password book – 5,712

Several key deductions can be made from this list.

First, the phrase “password log book” doesn’t appear anywhere, meaning that shoppers don’t browse for this combination of words.

Instead, the notebook category dominates, with keywords like “password note books” generating more than 17,000 searches per month.

Second, most buyers are interested in password books that are alphabetically organized. This specific structure is a great niche idea that can help you unlock higher sales.

Third, more than 5,000 users browse for particular password book sizes (like 5×8 and 4×6).

As a result of these findings, we performed another search on Book Bolt to inspect the password niche in the notebook category.

We detected 47 top performers in the niche with an average BSR of 250,568. Interestingly, we identified a correlation between log books and notebooks as two individual categories.

Most listings positioned in the notebook space feature “notebook” as a main keyword. This suggests that we’re mostly looking at the same listings, regardless of the chosen category.

Keyword saturation

Keyword saturation is another essential metric to consider when evaluating a market on Amazon KDP.

It reveals the most frequently used keywords across listing titles, showing the words that help boost rankings.

The bestsellers in the password log book space use the following keywords:

  • Password
  • Book
  • Pages
  • Alphabetical
  • Organizer
  • Gift
  • Username
  • Large
  • Sized
  • Secure

This data can help you create an overview of the keyword strategies adopted by top performers.

For instance, it becomes clear that a lot of sellers are utilizing “alphabetical”. Earlier, we discovered that “alphabetical password book” is one of the most browsed phrases among consumers.

By using this word, authors can reach a wider audience and satisfy a substantial demand.

The above insights also prove that password log books are often promoted as gifts.

In addition, titles frequently describe the book’s size, based on the words “large”, and “sized”, which are present on the list.

The prices in the password log book segment

So far, we’ve established that password books (regardless of whether they’re positioned as log books or notebooks) are a popular niche on Amazon KDP.

But what royalties are authors generating from these products?

To find out we uncovered the minimum, maximum, and average prices in the market:

  • Lowest Price – $3.58
  • Highest Price – $49.95
  • Average Price – $6.38

This information allows us to gain a better understanding of how other sellers are positioning their password log books.

For example, if you create a 100-page product that sells for the market average of $6.24, you’ll earn $1.44 per sale. Although this may not sound like a fruitful return, multiplied by hundreds of sales creates a rewarding profit.

A look into the bestsellers

The best way to truly unearth the profitability potential of password log books is to examine the chart-topping listings.

For instance, “Shit I Can’t Remember: Organizer, Log Book & Notebook for Passwords and Shit” sells for $5.99 (slightly below the market average of $6.24) and has a BSR of 5,501. This translates into 443 monthly sales.

By multiplying the monthly sales by the per-sale royalties ($1.29), we can conclude that this author generates revenue of $572.

While these earnings may not seem exciting, they’re from a single listing. With a diverse portfolio of password log books, this seller has the potential to earn thousands from their side gig.

A look into the title of this product shows that the book creator has strategically used niche and category keywords with a high search volume.

The title strategically combines “log book” and “notebook,” effectively placing the listing in both relevant categories. Additionally, it incorporates the trending term “organizer.”

Taking optimization a step further, the seller cleverly introduces a touch of humor with the title “Shit I Can’t Remember,” adding a playful theme to promote the item as a lighthearted and funny organizer.

All of these techniques have rewarded this product with the number one position in the bestseller list.

Tips for entering the password log book market

Based on our findings from Book Bolt, we’ve curated a short and sweet list of tips and tricks:

  • Include both “notebook” and “log book” in your title – Creating a title that features both these keywords will help you position your design in two categories simultaneously. This will enable you to increase your reach and improve your rankings.
  • Diversify your titles with high-search-volume keywords – Apart from the main term “password”, take advantage of other trending phrases, like “alphabetical”, “organizer”, and “secure”. This will add another layer of optimization to your listing and will take you a step closer to sales.
  • Price strategically – Our research into the bestsellers confirms that most top-performing products are priced at or slightly below the market average. This approach helps achieve a competitive edge and makes your no-content book both affordable and attractive for consumers.
  • Describe the size of your password log book in the title – We noticed that some of the popular buyer searches for password books on Amazon include specific sizes. Use these insights to craft an appealing product and don’t forget to enrich your titles with this valuable information.

These best practices will help you stand out from the crowd and turn your password log books into success stories.


Given the vast potential of password log books on Amazon KDP, it’s natural that you’re eager to dip your fingers into this pot of honey.

To outperform the competition, make sure to stick to a data-driven sales strategy guided by real-time insights.

At $9.99 per month, Book Bolt offers everything you need at your fingertips. Try it for yourself and watch your performance improve.

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